Gideon Arulmani, jedna z najvýraznejších osobností sveta kariérového poradenstva a rozvoja kariéry, ktorého si mnohí z nás pamätajú aj zo septembrovej konferencie IAEVG v Bratislave, je spolueditorom elektronického (online) časopisu „Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning“ (IJCLP; voľne by som to preložil ako Indický časopis plánovania kariéry a života), ktorý v periodicite 1-krát ročne od r. 2012 vydáva Indian Association for Career and Livelihood Planning (G. Arulmani je jej predsedom).

Najnovšie číslo IJCLP (ročník 8, číslo 1) obsahuje príspevky autorov zo siedmich krajín (názvy článkov uvádzame bez prekladu):

  • Guest Editorial:  The Draft New Education Policy 2019:  Many Promises for Career Professionals(Glenn C. Kharkongor, India).
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as Semitoic Resources in Career Guidance: Exploring a 10th Grade Boy’s Sociopolitical Motivations in Delhi, India(Aditi Arur and Mansi Sharma, India).
  • Sustainable Employability and Continuous Career Development: Experiencing the Value of Core Qualities(Gert van Brussel, The Netherlands).
  • A Preliminary Comparison of Career Education for Youth among Ten Asian countries: A Synthesis of Country Reports from the 2017 ARACD Conference(Hyuncheol Kim and Takao Mimura, Korea and Japan).
  • Career guidance for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in the Emerging Social Inclusion Context in France(Girish Muzumdar, France).
  • Protective and Risk Factors in Career Development(Iva Šverko and Toni Babarović, Croatia)
  • How can People with Intellectual Disabilities use YouTube as an Alternative Search Engine on the Internet?(Kjartan Skogly Kversøy et al., Norway)
  • Students as Agents of Change in Career Education(Stephen Carrick-Davies, UK).

IJCLP je časopis s voľným prístupom a je dostupný na tejto adrese: